26.9. – 1.10.2023



Zagreb Fair
WED 17.00-22.00
THU-SUN 11.00-22.00

A chair, even one without the expected four legs, is still a chair. And although at a glance it stuns us as an unusual piece of seatery, its three-limbed incarnations can be found throughout the history of grand designs. The minimalist, elegantly designed chair C2210 is visually and functionally unique. Iconic for its slender backrest, shaped in a single swing from a thin curved metal rod that, like a stroke of a pen or a play of bends, transcends the narrative of cold material.

The design of C2210 emphasizes the plastic property of the metal - the ease of its processing is culminated in a harmonious balance of the work as a whole, its smoothness, strength, stability and simple modernity. The final product is the result of material and technological optimization and strength tests, which were simulated first, then implemented in the real world.

The chair is not meant for lazy relaxation, but for thoughtfulness and elegance. Despite its apparent fragility and asceticism, it attracts us because of its practicality and lightness - it can be carried around only with one finger. Made from a single material it can be fully recycled and at the end of its life it can easily melt and form into something new.


ARHITEKTURA is a studio, where the experience and ideas of two generations converge in a common cultural motive: making good architecture. Architecture that is both rational and poetic. Architecture which is the result of a wider spatial, historical, technological and social context, and is something that arises without predefined forms and is only just looking for its aesthetic justification. Architects, modelmakers, interior and product designers are working in their office in Ljubljana. Together they have dedicated themselves to enrich spatial life in the fields of architecture, urbanism and design since 1997.

Project name Chair C2210
Year 2021.
Client Self-initiated project
Zagreb Fair
TUE 17.00-22.00
WED-SUN 11.00-22.00


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